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Works with all setups
DJ tables, flight cases, facades, + more

Grow your network, let guests scan or tap to connect instantly.
Direct guests to your website, social media, or payment links.

Easy for guests to connect with a single tap.
Step 1
Branding, and why it's important for DJs
Problem: guests at your events can't recognize and don't know who to look up, where to follow you online, or how contact you.
New Audiences represent a new network opportunity for a DJ. Not connecting with this new network is a lost opportunity.
Solution: Branding (see example)

Step 2
Why DJs NEED branding
Brand Image
Strong brand image makes it easy for new audiences to recognize you, leading to more connections.
Connect with New Audiences
Easily connect with new audiences online to expand your network.
Grow Your Network
Attract more gigs—from private parties to major clubs—by connecting with new audiences.
Step 3
Picking the right branding
Problem: There are TONS of branding options out there. Some need wires, and some take extra time to setup.
Not to mention, some branding can look unprofessional if it's too big, flashy, or doing too much.
Solution: We knew we needed to create a much more simple, clean approach for DJs.

Why DJs recommend our branding
Clean and stylish
"It strikes the perfect balance between professional and classy"
DJ Breaker Box
Simple to use
"Love it. A great eye catcher for people to see and get my information."
Easy for guests
Easy for guests to connect instantly with a single scan or tap.
Easy setup
Frequently asked questions
Other branding is good!
Other branding options like laptop covers, banners, custom controller skins, etc., are still great options.
DJs like our approach for its simplicity, ease of use, appearance, and effectiveness.